Dermaplaning Facials


Dermaplaning facials are a safe, effective and pain-free way to exfoliate the skins surface. A sterile, surgical scalpel and an special technique are used to gently buff the skins surface. This removes dead skin cells, trapped dirt/oils and peach fuzz (known as vellus hair). Deep exfoliation of the skin helps to promote the cell regeneration process - making your skin care products much more effective ! Dermaplaning facials can be repeated as frequently as every few weeks. 

- Reduces the appearance of acne scars, fine lines/ wrinkles and hyper-pigmentation
- Promotes smoother skin, improves application of makeup
- Benefits all skin types
- Instant results
- No downtime

Dermaplaning contraindications -

-Active acne
-Eczema or dermatitis on face
-Use of Acutane or prescription retinol within the last 12 months
-Open cuts or recent scarring 
-Skin cancer
- Active cold sores
-Uncontrolled diabetes
-Chemotherapy or radiation
-Infectious skin diseases or disorders

Dermaplaning Aftercare 

- You may experience some redness after your treatment (this is go away after 2-3 hours)
-Avoid touching your skin too much straight after your facial 
- Avoid make-up for the rest of the day
-Apply a sunscreen (your skin will be left deeply exfoliated, therefore your skin will be more sensitive to sunlight)
-Do not have any other facial treatments in between Dermaplaning facials
-Stick to a gentle cleansing routine and keep your skin hydrated


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